With the summer forcing me to take things slow at work (seriously, who wants to get their teeth done with this heat?) I have a bit more modeling time in my hands so I tried some of them. I first did them in relatively thin card and they proved very easy to build and quite durable. Dave, the guy who has designed most of the stuff I got, also said you can glue them to Bristol board and create extra-durable buildings. Now, I have no idea what Bristol board is, but I've worked quite a bit with foamcore and I like it. So I resized the Coach House model for 15-18mm figures, printed it on paper, glued it on foamcore and this is the result.

I'll be the first to admit that most scratch-built terrain may look better, but this is a fast and cheap way to get things done. I have 6 or 7 buildings in my stash and with these I can build my small 15mm fantasy village in under a week.
So look into paper terrain. It might help you out with your projects. Have a pleasant evening from hot yet pleasant Athens...
Excellent stuff, I too have the coach house, but haven't built it yet, but have the small freebie cottage in firm cardboard and also some low ruins in foam board (all by Dave Graffam) and they look great :D I'm looking forward to seeing your other work!
A quick and very effective of making villages emerge into a few hours!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήA building worth of some artillery shells!!
Nice build agaphte!