Let's face it, I don't have Thanos' talent when it comes to making terrain. But being overworked and underpaid, I can't afford cool resin terrain, so I have to make best of what I have. What I had was a bunch of leftover pieces from Matchbox/Revell kits and a small Italeri kit aptly named Walls and Ruins. And several crappy CDs I'd gotten with the Sunday edition of Greek newspapers. Here are the results:
I have a couple of more pieces like that in the works. They might not be the best looking terrain out there, but they are useful and highly resilient. Each one can house about half a squad or a crew-served weapon (mortar or machine gun).
That's all for now from Athens (still uncomfortably warm, still walking around in t-shirts).
I like them very much agaphte!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThe implementation of your ideas came out very well!
As for me, I don't think I have anything special when it comes to terrain making. Modelling is the only thing that relaxes me, and helps me find my balance!
Nothing more, nothing less!
Keep up the good work agaphte!
Prepei na brethoume kapoia stigmh! Tha eixe plaka na paiksoume me ta stratiwtakia mas!! :-)
Thanks for the encouragement. I have quite a bit of terrain planned for the immediate future.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΕχεις καταληξει σε κανονες? Ποτε θα πας Fasma ξανα?
Good morning agaphte!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήLew na perasw shmera to apogeyma paraskeyh (kata tis 7.30 to blepw). Tha xarw poly na ta poume kai apo konta!
Dimitri, don't be so hard on yourself, these have come out very well. I probably will copy the idea as I have been saving up these old bases from the Matchbox kits for an age waiting to pull my finger out an base them.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήModel on!