After a period of inactivity, due to unforeseen, unavoidable and unfortunate events, I returned to my wargaming and modeling activities. However, the events of the last few months have changed the way I saw my hobby and forced some changes on my plans. First and foremost, I settled down to 2 scales for my gaming needs; 20mm for skirmish games and 6mm for massed battles.
I know that for a lot of people 6mm is not a viable scale, however the (significantly) lower cost and most importantly the time spent painting them is minimal compared to 20mm, let alone 28mm. I've also settled down on the rule sets I'll be using, for now at least. For WWII I'll be using Blitzkrieg Commander for massed battles and Hit the Dirt and Force on Force for skirmishes. For fantasy, Fantasy Rules! 3rd Edition for massed battles and the lovely Song of Blades and Heroes for skirmishes.
By having more realistic expectations for my projects I have managed to complete some of them. Granted, some ingenuity is needed especially in fantasy wargaming, but that's nothing new. I'll be posting pics of my progress soon.
New Fantasy sets from Alliance
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